It's amazing how your day can truly be a rollercoaster ride.
I went to Fernwood tonight / this afternoon. I ended up doing cardio for 55 minutes and truly forgot how exhausting working out was. I was buggered, could not even do another 5 minutes. After 35 minute mark I was wondering if I could go on, but I pushed myself. Felt quite good about myself, what I had achieved and had that "I'm back" feeling.
Then a few issues occurred when I got home. I'm not going to go into it. But can only say that sometimes what may seem like something that is said can really hurt you until you feel like you want to cry and wonder why you keep trying.
I wondered.....why do I bother? why do I persevere? why do I seem to always stuff things up? WHY? WHY? WHY?.........and you know what, I had these thoughts for about 1 minute and thought, NO! I'M WORTH MORE!
SO today has been a rollercoaster ride, but I'm not going to let people upset me to a point where I continually question myself. I'm worth more than that. I'm learning that I need to believe in myself. No one else can do it for me. I know there are some wonderful people (friends) in my life who have been so supportive, helpful, patient and even forgiving. I'd be lost without them and I'm thankful.
So I say, bring on the Rollercoaster ride, because I'm ready to ride it and there may be times that I feel it is in a continual spiral downwards, but....I'm patient, I'll wait....because in the end what goes down must come up!
Sounding real positive...good to hear