Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today, I felt it more than ever. Not having the diet coke. I have felt terrible, had a thumping headache that just won't go away. Nurofen and increased water intake seemed to take the edge off it, but I really feel it was my body saying "Can I have just a bit of diet coke!" Answer..."HELL NO!!!". I'm looking forward to overcoming this hurdle and not having to worry about diet coke at all. It's taken it's toll. I've been in bed feeling nauseated and with a head ache most of the day, but I'm not giving up yet.

Sugar cravings are still hitting about dinner time, afterwards. I looked at the diet mineral water I was drinking and it seems it has the same preservative as diet coke (950 - aspartame), so it was ditched and replaced with a mineral water that has no preservatives. Only thing is that it has more calories, so am being more aware of that.

Been reading lots of Fernwood magazines, they remind me a lot of ww magazines and seem to focus on issues that all women have. Pretty good magazine.

Still have not made it to fernwood, but have it booked in my diary for tomorrow and have promised myself that I have to go. Also, notice that I'm procrastinating and self sabotaging when it comes to exercise. I'm glad I'm aware of it though. For example, tomorrow I have a class that I'm going to at Fernwood booked in my diary and already I'm saying "Oh, I haven't seen my nephews and nieces all week, I need to see them tomorrow night". At least I'm aware of what I'm doing and I've decided to put myself first. I'm going to that Fernwood class, my nephews and nieces are going to appreciate a more fitter, healthier Auntie at Summer time. I'm sure they will love that more than me giving up the exercise to spend some time with them.

Have to keep reminding myself that this is about me. No one, but me! It's sort of hard though at times. Because I'm really trying to practice this. It's just a change, a new challenge and with change it can be a bit difficult, but.....I'm not giving up yet....not ever!

So diet coke demon, I say, bring it on. I'm going to defeat you, I feel like I'm half way there.....and ultimately, my body is going to thank me for it!

1 comment:

  1. You will feel better by the end of the week
    You get your self to that gym doesnt have to be a class.... i never did classes....go on the bike or the treadmill first....or the rower...Get on and just do it ...come on


This is all new to me......

This is all indeed new to me! The blog stuff I mean. I've been wanting to do this for a while and as you can see I thought what the heck, I'm just going to do it! A working progress you might say? I think so. But with time you can only improve? Don't they say that with everything?

I'm not sure I feel that way about weight loss at the moment. I've hit my 1 year journey marker, yet I look at what I have achieved and start to question '27 kgs' something really to gloat about? To be proud of? Thats half a kilo a week, which fits in perfectly with what ww recommend...yet its simply not good enough for me!

'Why?' you ask? I think comparing myself to everyone else and what they have achieved has led me to doubting myself and feeling pretty crappy about how far I have come. I wanted to be so badly one of those people that say "Look at me, look at what I've achieved!". I try...but those words simply fade into the "Look at what? Big deal 27 kgs!". I'm a bit of a critic. Actually I'm a severe critic....of myself that is. Hence, why I've got myself into this situation in the first place.

So at the moment with all of lifes curve balls that are thrown my way, I simply have one motto "One day at a time!".....oh and perhaps one more "When your mind says give up, hope whispers one more try". This is what I'm living by at the moment and I must say with all the great support I'm getting from some wonderful fantastic people, hope is whispering a lot more to me!

I'll keep you updated on how things are the meantime I'll keep plodding along and know that "I CAN DO THIS!".