Excuses! That is what a lovely friend helped me realise I'd been making all along....all my life. Until today! My friend helped me realise that I had to stop blaming others for my life circumstances and give up the 'VICTIM' act!
I perhaps felt a little annoyed at first when I was reading this email. But then I realised that my friend was absolutely right! I'm thankful to my friend. After all she helped me realise that playing the 'VICTIM' act was not helping anyone, least of all myself.
Now I feel like I'm living by my affirmation of "I CAN DO IT!". It's working. I'm feeling more positive and feeling like I can do this. There have been times today where I just wanted some chocolate, some chips, some lollies......I wanted to go and buy them. I didn't though! I even went shopping and didn't buy diet coke. I'm on my last bottle and have decided after some encouragement from another great friend to 'kick it to the curb'. So instead I bought some diet mineral water. Will see how it goes. Thinking the first few days will be difficult, but you know what; 'I CAN DO IT!'. Just you watch me!
Also thought of some goals (short term) to have for the next few months:
1. To drink 2 litres of water a day.
2. To exercise 3 times a week.
3. To stop drinking diet coke.
4. To track everything I eat; regardless of it being good or not so good.
Pretty happy with these goals. As I go along they may change a little. In the meantime am focusing on achieving these goals, but most of all to keep going. I'm going to do this! I know I can!
Like your positive frame of mind