Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I finally did it!

I've got a gym membership and I must be the best member at the moment, you know the one that pays for membership but never goes....that's me, until tonight! I weighed in and lost 0.9kgs. I was thrilled. And then I realised, wow, I lost 0.9kgs with minimal exercise and by tracking quite well. Imagine what results I'll get if I exercise. So....after telling myself to stop procrastinating....I headed off to the gym. I did an hour all up of bike, tredmill and weights, but I was proud of myself. Even got my HR up to 172. It felt good leaving, like I had achieved something. And waht was most bizarre was when I came home I didn't want to eat everything in the fridge and pantry. Instead I had a cup of tea and two biscuits (ww of course). I know now that I just have to persevere and be determined to do this. Tonight I looked at myself in the mirror and realised that I have to start toning....asap! So I'm going to try and go back to pump class this week and just start light and go easy on my knee. And then...my next goal....is to get back to cardiobox without the running. I can do this. Exercise does make you feel better...who would have thought!


  1. Hey Danni, Way to go girl 0.9 is a fantastic result!!! and well done on getting back to the gym! I'm loving the gym at the moment and can't wait to start doing a class! Not quite ready for that at the moment though but not far off it. I'm all registered for the walk and my hubby and daughter will be joining us! So I am very excited to be doing that with everyone and can't wait to meet you. Take Care my friend and we can do this!!!

    Sam xx

  2. .9 is wonderful but the best thing about your whole post was four little words tucked away near the end.
    I can do this.
    Yes, my girl, you can and you will.


This is all new to me......

This is all indeed new to me! The blog stuff I mean. I've been wanting to do this for a while and as you can see I thought what the heck, I'm just going to do it! A working progress you might say? I think so. But with time you can only improve? Don't they say that with everything?

I'm not sure I feel that way about weight loss at the moment. I've hit my 1 year journey marker, yet I look at what I have achieved and start to question myself....is '27 kgs' something really to gloat about? To be proud of? Thats half a kilo a week, which fits in perfectly with what ww recommend...yet its simply not good enough for me!

'Why?' you ask? I think comparing myself to everyone else and what they have achieved has led me to doubting myself and feeling pretty crappy about how far I have come. I wanted to be so badly one of those people that say "Look at me, look at what I've achieved!". I try...but those words simply fade into the "Look at what? Big deal 27 kgs!". I'm a bit of a critic. Actually I'm a severe critic....of myself that is. Hence, why I've got myself into this situation in the first place.

So at the moment with all of lifes curve balls that are thrown my way, I simply have one motto "One day at a time!".....oh and perhaps one more "When your mind says give up, hope whispers one more try". This is what I'm living by at the moment and I must say with all the great support I'm getting from some wonderful fantastic people, hope is whispering a lot more to me!

I'll keep you updated on how things are going....in the meantime I'll keep plodding along and know that "I CAN DO THIS!".