I've been struggling (yes once again). Surprise Surprise hey! Anyway, I'm thinking the exercise is a struggle because I simply can not picture myself sitting in the gym doing bike, tredmill and weights for an hour. So decided to stop putting these unrealistic time expectations on myself and instead aim for 20-30 minutes. However...I miss classes. I saw a lady in the shopping centre the other day and she stated that she had not seen me for a while. Then she stated "Are you being lazy are you?". Felt a bit annoyed....can't someone just not want to go to gym, can't someone just want to sit at home and not worry about exercise or eating or tracking perfectly....why can't I just do that???? WHY???.........I could. I have. But...I won't. I know that by keeping up lack of exercise, eating emotionally and not tracking that I'll get back to weighing the 150 kgs I was in no time. I don't want to do that.
I've noticed a change in my energy level (Slight) to the point that my nephew gets excited when he sees me playing on the basketball court with him and sees me running after him and the ball. He gets excited. I get excited. But....this just does not bloody motivate me! Motivation is over-rated! It has to be. I can't feel motivated all the time, so instead will just push on and keep doing everything as best as I can.
As well as all this have had a few episodes of palpatations, to the point where I really notice my heart beating fast and even skipping some beats quite often. After an ECG and bloods and being told that "I'm fine" I'm not sure what is going on. Putting it down to maybe anxiety...however it's never been this bad (my anxiety) so not sure why it's happening so much? Might need another trip back to the Drs. No medication is really accountable. So not sure what is going on. Hope to get it sorted. It's a bit scary, just because whilst I'm having these episodes I feel a bit scared and worried...which consequently makes them worse....so perhaps anxiety is the reason, or at least contributing to it all? Who knows! Any opinions are welcomed. I can't get my head around it. Trying not to think about it.
Anyway, nothing else more to update. Will keep you updated on how this week is going. It will be a challenge, but have to focus on little goals. This week it's hitting the gym for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times this week. I can do this!
Hope you are all well. xoxo