Feel like it's been too long since I've blogged, unfortunately.
It has been a pretty hectic August and September so far. This week has been somehow extra stressful and has taken a bit of a huge emotional toll on me. So much so that I seem to 'think' I deserve everything that is on my 'sometimes' or 'rarely' list to eat. Like cake, chips, chocolate....take away, etc, etc. I could go on all day. As a result I have put on 7.5 kgs. I want to get back to what I was. Seems so close, yet so far away.
Regardless of my out of control eating and emotional eating I think there are some good reasons or on reflecting at least some half good excuses? to my overeating? My friend died. Suddenly, unexpectedly and so unfairly (as is always the case!). However I have comfort that is was very quick and whilst it was unexpected with how quick it was I can assume it was pretty painless (I'm hanging onto that at the moment!). Makes me realise how people come into your life for a reason, it might be a long time, a short time or a once off, but they still come into your life for a reason. I think Karin's reason was to give me strength, courage and most of all know that we are never alone no matter how alone we feel. I miss you already, so much Karin. R.I.P Karin. xoxo
The other difficult but more bearable day was Father's Day. It was difficult more so because the family got together, ate pizza, brothers and sisters fought and nothing was mentioned about Dad at all. I had my 'own' little time for him during the day by myself on reflection. I miss him so very much. Next year for Father's Day think I'll do something special that will remind me even more so of my Dad. Go somewhere we use to go together or something like that. I also wonder if time really does heal your pain? I'm hoping so.
So there has been a bit going on. On the upnote I'm going to Sydney in 6 days for 5 days. I'm looking forward to the break before I start the 'new' job. I know I need it. I know I want it. Isn't it amazing how when you are going away you start to think "bugger, why couldn't I have been 10 kgs lighter" or "bugger, why couldn't I have been the weight I wanted to be at". Oh well.....on the upside....at least I'm still here to have those thoughts. At least I'm still here to complain, whinge, cry, laugh and sigh. I'm still here.
I'll keep persevering. I know I will. The path ahead might look bumpy, unbearable and might continue to feel like it's never going to come up, but just when you feel overwhelmed by the thrashing waves, the tide turns. I know it will get better. No matter how bumpy the path gets....I won't stop walking it!
Aug was a hard months for a lot of us...
it is now Sept...
time to get ready for Summer and enjoy spring